
General Monthly Meeting Schedule

Common Council

7:00 pm - Council Chambers - 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month

Finance & Personnel Committee

6:00 pm - Monday of the week prior to each Council Meeting

Public Services & Safety Committee

6:30 pm - Tuesday of the week prior to each Council Meeting

Plan Commission

4:15 pm - Tuesday of the week prior to each Council Meeting

Water Commission

4:30 pm - 3rd Monday of each month

Library Board

4:00 pm - 3rd Wednesday of each month

Park & Rec. Commission

4:30 pm - 3rd Thursday of each month

Landmarks Commission

5:30 pm - 2nd Wednesday of each month

Committee on Aging

9:00 am - 3rd Thursday of each month

Police Commission

Noon - 1st Wednesday of each month

N-M Joint Fire Commission

Noon - 4th Wednesday of each month

Fire Rescue Joint Finance & Personnel Committee

5:30 pm - 4th Tuesday of each month

BID Board

8:00 am - 3rd Tuesday of each month

Community Development Authority

4:00 pm - 1st Monday of each month

Sustainable Neenah Committee

5:30 pm - 4th Wednesday of each month